Belarusian KGB says term of detention extended by 10 days for Bankauskas

  • 20.08.2010, 10:09

Laimonas Bankauskas, the company commander of the municipal mounted police section at Vilnius Police Headquarters has been taken into custody up to 10 days.

Interfax-Zapad news agency learnt this on Friday from Alyaksandr Antanovich, the head of the information and public relations center of the Belarusian State Security Committee (KGB).

“Bankauskas is taken into custody up to 10 days,” Antanovich commented on some media’s information about extending a term of detention by two months for a Lithuanian police officer.

Antanovich refused to give more comments referring to secrecy of the investigation.

The Lithuanian police officer planned to visit Belarus as a private person. He was detained by border guards, KGB and customs officers on August 16. A plastic bag with more than 45 grams of amphetamine was found during a search.

The arrested man’s family denies the charges and says if any drugs were really found, they had been planted on him.

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