‘Belarusians And Ukrainians Have One Common Enemy’

  • 21.12.2022, 11:59

Belarusians believe that the Armed Forces of Ukraine need to strike at the accumulation of Russian troops on the border with Ukraine.

Yesterday, Russia began moving equipment to the south of Belarus, closer to the border with Ukraine. The equipment was previously brought to the training grounds with the mobilized RF Armed Forces.

Readers of the website reacted sharply to this news. Here are some of their comments:

“They must be preparing an attack on New Year’s eve.”

“Bus stations canceled trips on December 31, everyone will be celebrating at home, come and take it. Watches in Russia were frozen for an indefinite period for Belarusians, Belarusian organizations. Departures at the borders are slowed down. Military registration and enlistment offices must mobilize all men of military age before 30. Any questions? As a former Afghan officer, I’m telling you — this is war.”

“Let Luka announce what he wants, and the Armed Forces of Ukraine need to strike at the crowd of orc troops in Belarus on the border with Ukraine! For the Armed Forces of Ukraine, this will be a blow that will frustrate the plans of the aggressors to attack Ukraine in the coming days. That is, to work proactively and send Russian fascists to lick their wounds in hospitals and fill mobile crematoria.”

“They are afraid of the Kalinouski regiment, that is why they are fussing around.”

“Two worthless old men are up to something bad, once the equipment is already being transferred. Apparently Belarus is being prepared for a war with the Ukrainians, but why should we fight them? There is no need for this, we have nothing to divide, we have one enemy — the Moscow horde.”

“In February, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will already have such weapons that they will reach both Minsk and Moscow. And the air defense will be more powerful. It’s like the Russians to delay the onset of death, which is why the Kremlin dwarf came to break Luka.”

“Putin now has one plan — to drag it on for as long as possible. The attack from Belarus cannot be strong now. But they try to do something, without a plan, just to demonstrate that they are doing something.

Lukashenka, in the meantime, thinks that it is easier for him to last longer without a war. But now Putin has become his main danger, and he is afraid to disobey.”

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