Pakistan Withdrew Its Ambassador From Iran And Claimed Right To Retaliate

  • 17.01.2024, 15:47

The situation is heating up.

Pakistan decided to withdraw its ambassador from Iran after missile strikes on its territory and claimed the right to retaliate.

The Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Pakistan reported.

The Foreign Ministry called the missile attack by Iran "an unprovoked and flagrant violation of Pakistan's sovereignty" violating international law and the principles of the UN Charter.

“This illegal act is unacceptable and has no justification. Pakistan has the right to retaliate against this illegal act. Iran will be fully responsible for the consequences," the ministry said.

They also noted that this message has already been delivered to the government of Iran.

“We also informed them that Pakistan has decided to withdraw its ambassador from Iran and that Iran's ambassador to Pakistan, who is currently visiting Iran, may not return for the time being. We have also decided to suspend all ongoing high-level visits that have been scheduled between Pakistan and Iran in the coming days,” the ministry added.

Earlier, Pakistan accused Iran of violating its airspace. They claim that two children died as a result of the attack.

Pakistan's Foreign Ministry said the incident could have “serious consequences” and was “unacceptable”.

"The responsibility for the consequences will lie directly with Iran," the statement reads.

Pakistan does not specify where or how the airspace was violated. But Islamabad (the capital of Pakistan) filed a protest with Tehran, and the head of the Iranian diplomatic mission in Pakistan was summoned to the Foreign Ministry.

Iran has not yet officially commented on the situation.

Yesterday, Tasnim, an agency affiliated with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), reported the alleged destruction of two Jaish ul-Adl strongholds in Pakistan. It is noted that the bases were attacked by missiles and drones.

Jaish ul-Adl has previously staged attacks on Iranian security forces near the border with Pakistan.

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