US Attache Found Dead In Kyiv

  • 27.06.2024, 8:11

The State Department has named the reason.

The body of an attaché of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine was found in one of the rooms of the Hilton Hotel in Kyiv. It happened on June 25.

The US diplomat arrived in Ukraine on June 15, and it was also reported that he allegedly had high cholesterol.

US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller has confirmed the information about the death in Kyiv of the attaché of the US embassy in Ukraine. According to preliminary data, the diplomat, whose body was recently discovered in the Hilton hotel, died a natural death.

About it reports RBC-Ukraine with reference to the briefing of the speaker of the US state Department of state Matthew Miller in Washington.

During a speech to the media, he said that the American side can "confirm the death of a US civil servant subordinate to the head of the mission at the embassy in Kyiv".

He also commented on the reason that could have led to the death of the embassy attache.

"There is an understanding that he died a natural death," Miller stated.

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