AI Proves Russia Is Running Out Of Tanks

  • 28.06.2024, 17:34

Satellite images of Russian military bases were analyzed.

Russia has suffered heavy tank losses since the start of the great war in Ukraine, and may have only a few thousand armored fighting vehicles left.

Newsweek writes about this with a reference to the results of an analysis of satellite images by artificial intelligence, which was carried out in the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ).

The AI model studied satellite images of 87 Russian military facilities, including 16 bases where tanks, artillery vehicles and armored personnel carriers are stored. The analysis calculated the number of tanks at these key sites before Russia's large-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 until today.

“One of these bases is the 111th Central Tank Reserve Army Base in southeast Russia. In April 2021, it housed 857 tanks and is now almost empty, satellite images show. It was discovered that just a few months after the start of the war, in October 2022, Russia lost almost half of these tanks... Analysis of other military installations revealed a similar picture,” the publication says.

Michael Gjerstad, a defense and military analysis research analyst at the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies, said he estimated Russia “still has about 3,200 tanks in storage”.

“But the vast majority are in poor condition and require significant repairs,” he said.

Gustav Gressel, a senior fellow at the international think tank European Council on Foreign Relations, said Russia is “losing far more equipment than it can replace and supplies are running low”:

“Therefore, it is important for Ukraine to inflict such high material losses on the Russians that at some point the situation for them will become critical.”

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