Expert: Russia Attempts To Open Another Front In North Of Kharkiv Region

  • 28.06.2024, 13:49

But faces "surprises".

The Russian military have made an attempt to open another front in the north of Kharkiv region, for this purpose they became active near the village of Sotnitski Kazachok of Zolochiv district, said military observer Oleksandr Kovalenko in a review on

According to him, Sotnitski Kazachok is located almost on the very border with the Russian Federation and is currently a "grey zone".

Kovalenko analysed why the Russian Armed Forces chose the direction to Zolochiv rather than Kazacha Lopan.

"One of the locations of activity of the Russians was Sotnitski Kazachok. Why? The answer is simple: the direction to Zolochiv. There may be a threat to Zolochiv, which is a logistical artery to Kharkiv and not only to Kharkiv," the observer emphasised.

At the same time, according to Kovalenko, even with this option, the Russians faced problems in this direction.

"There were a lot of surprises for them here, too. The Russian occupiers still tried to open another front, but it hurt them," he summarised.

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