Russia Decides Not To Restore Burnt-Down Crocus City Hall

  • 29.06.2024, 12:31

There will no longer be a concert hall there.

The Crocus City Hall concert hall in Krasnogorsk, which burned down as a result of a terrorist attack, will not be restored, said Moscow Region Governor Andrei Vorobyov.

According to him, there are no plans to build a new performance venue to replace the destroyed one. “There will no longer be a concert hall there,” he emphasized.

Earlier, Vorobyov said that a park or winter garden would be built on the site of Crocus City Hall, which would become a symbol of memory and grief for the victims. This idea is currently being discussed with the owner. The concert hall belongs to the owner of the Crocus Group, Russian billionaire Araz Agalarov.

Vorobyov also stated that the concept for the improvement of the Crocus territory has already been prepared, and did not rule out the installation of a monument on this site. The idea of creating a park zone with a memorial was supported by 57% of Moscow and Moscow region residents, 24% were in favor of restoring the concert hall, and the rest found it difficult to answer, according to the results of a survey conducted by SuperJob.

The governor noted that the project implementation deadlines had not yet been determined, but the authorities did not want to “put it off for too long”. Crocus Group said that before making a final decision, they need to wait for the results of the building's examinations. Before their completion, it is premature to talk about any options, the company added.

The terrorist attack in Crocus occurred on the evening of March 22. Armed militants broke into the complex before a concert by the Piknik band and opened fire on people, after which they set the hall on fire and left the building unhindered.

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