'Lukashenka Is Terrified'

  • 2.07.2024, 11:36

The Belarusian troops can go over to the side of Ukraine.

The self-proclaimed ruler of Belarus, Aliaksandr Lukashenka, said that Ukraine was allegedly redeploying its troops to the borders, deploying American weapons there. Therefore, there are threats of a second attack from Belarus again.

In fact, there is no concentration of Belarusian troops there. The head of the Center for Military and Legal Studies, Oleksandr Musienko, told Channel 24 about this, noting that several factors influence Lukashenka's statements.

The meaning of Lukashenka's statements

"The Belarusian authorities and Lukashenka personally are terrified that their fighters can join those soldiers who are now fighting on the side of Ukraine," Musienko said.

If this happens, the monolithic regime will be shaken, serious problems will begin, so they need to remind people from time to time that Ukraine allegedly poses a danger.

Another important factor is that Poland is now deciding whether to close all the border crossings with Belarus. This means that a significant number of entrepreneurs, businessmen, especially those who are engaged in the transportation of goods or just people who go to their families will have enormous problems.

What we need you to do? It is necessary to divert the attention of the population from the fact that real problems may arise due to the fact that Russia and Belarus provoked flows of illegal migrants who are actually storming the Polish border," said Oleksandr Musienko.

Therefore, Lukashenka invented that he was allegedly waging a "victorious war" with Ukraine. For the same reason, the reports of the Belarusian General Staff inform about the alleged destruction of Ukrainian drones, saboteurs and mined areas.

Also, statements about a repeated attack are beneficial for Russia, because the country manipulates the opportunity to carry out another escalation using the Belarusian direction. Despite this, it is worth remembering that given the location of the Belarusian troops, their number, redeployment – there is no threat of re-invasion.

Earlier, this was confirmed by the Ukrainian side. Information about the alleged activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the territories bordering with Belarus was called a lie and it was recalled that Ukraine does not pose a threat to any other state.

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