Politico: Trump Starts Negotiating With Putin

  • 3.07.2024, 10:54

The possibility of giving Russia part of Ukraine's territory is being discussed.

US presidential candidate Donald Trump is negotiating with Putin on how much Ukrainian land the Kremlin can keep in order to quickly end the war.

Politico writes about this with reference to two national security experts associated with Trump.

According to the article, Trump is thinking about an agreement under which NATO pledges not to expand into Ukraine and Georgia, and is negotiating with Putin on "how much Ukrainian territory Moscow can keep."

Trump also expects that when he becomes president, European members will dramatically increase spending on NATO. In addition, as experts pointed out, the politician is planning a "radical reorientation" of NATO.

"Trump is unlikely to leave NATO straight away, but even if he does not officially leave the organisation, it does not mean that NATO will survive Trump's second term unchanged," the source stated.

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